

Mauricio Martín


Malditas las motos… si sirven para esto

Los que hemos tenido la suerte de vivir en una aburrida democracia a veces no somos conscientes de lo afortunados que somos. Yo, que ya soy viejo, recuerdo cuando era un crío y hacía colección de las primeras pegatinas pidiendo la libertad de presos del PCE, universidad para el País Vasco, lo que fuera… y la madre de un amigo me decía que no cogiera eso, que tuviera cuidado, que a ver si me iban a ver. Eso es el miedo, miedo que imagino tendrá mucha gente hoy en Irán. Miedo que te impide hacer nada y que encima te reconcome por dentro y te llama cobarde.

A man with a cane gestures towards a woman on the ground during protests in central Tehran June 14, 2009. Defeated candidate Mirhossein Mousavi demanded Sunday that Iran’s presidential election be annulled and urged more protests, while tens of thousands of people hailed the victory of the hardline Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. REUTERS/Stringer

Pues bien, en Irán hay chicas que se atreven a llevar el pelo suelto -o casi-, hay estudiantes que se encierran en la universidad mientras los mamporreros del régimen les acosan con piedras, cócteles molotov o pistolas. Y estarán pasando mucho miedo.

Members of the Iranian security forces, in civlian clothes, fire warning shots to disperse supporters of Iran’s defeated presidential candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi in central Tehran on June 14, 2009. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad defended his hotly disputed re-election win at a huge rally after security forces cracked down on opposition protestors with mass arrests. Mousavi has lodged an appeal with the powerful Guardians Council to seek the cancellation of Friday’s vote and called on his supporters to continue their protests peacefully. AFP PHOTO OLIVIER LABAN-MATTEI

Todo me recuerda tanto a Tiananmen… a la Primavera de Praga, al Tibet, y un poco al Mayo del 68 de los niños bien.

A Iranian riot-police officer sprays tear-gas at a supporter of defeated Iranian presidential candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi attacking him with a police stick during riots in Tehran on June 13, 2009. Hardline incumbent Mahmoud Ahmadinejad won a crushing victory in Iran’s hotly-disputed presidential vote, according to official results that triggered mass opposition protests. AFP PHOTO/OLIVIER LABAN-MATTEI

Supporters of defeated Iranian presidential candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi burn a police motorcylce during a protest in Valiasr Street in Tehran on June 13, 2009. Hardline incumbent Mahmoud Ahmadinejad won a crushing victory in Iran’s hotly-disputed presidential vote, according to official results that triggered mass opposition protests. AFP PHOTO/BEHROUZ MEHRI

A motorcycle burns in street in Tehran, Iran, Sunday, June 14, 2009. Iranian youths opposed to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad took to the streets Sunday, setting trash dumpsters and tires on fire, in a second day of clashes triggered by voter fraud claims.(AP photo/Vahid Salemi)

Son los niños bien iraníes, y los jóvenes y los intelectuales. Quizá no entendamos bien la historia desde Europa (aunque nosotros también hemos tenido nuestra Castilla la Vieja y nuestra Galicia) y a lo peor hasta es cierto que no ha habido pucherazo, aunque lo parezca, y el campo vote tradicionalista, como casi siempre.

Iranian riot police disperse demonstrators during a protest against the election results outside Tehran University on June 14, 2009. Violence erupted for the second day in Tehran as supporters of the Islamic republic’s hardline President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s closest challenger Mir Hossein Mousavi clashed with riot police after an election that has set off deep divisions in the oil-rich republic. AFP PHOTO/STR

Pero me subleva ver a matones con pistola montados en moto, y policías en moto dispuestos a arrear a viejos, jóvenes y lo que haga falta. Joder, para mí la moto es un instrumento de libertad, de placer, de ligereza y de vuelo sobre nuestras miserias de bípedos de a 5 km/hora. No es esto, no es esto…

Supporters of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad wave their national flag as they ride a motorcycle through a Tehran street to celebrate his re-election late on June 13, 2009. Ahmadinejad was declared winner by a landslide in Iran’s hotly-disputed presidential vote, triggering riots by opposition supporters and furious complaints of cheating from his defeated rivals. AFP PHOTO/OLIVIER LABAN-MATTEI

Por Mauricio Martín

Sobre el autor

La vida en moto


junio 2009